
About Delta Spinners Limited

About the company

Delta Spinners Limited was incorporated as a Private Limited Company under the name and style of “Delta Millers Limited” on 23rd July, 1979. It was converted into a Public Limited Company on 14th March, 1991. The name of the company was changed to “Delta Spinners Limited” on 7th March, 2004.

Delta Spinners Limited is a textile spinning mill. It produces and supplies cotton yarn to local hand loom and power loom factories. The factory is located at Kaltapara, P.S. : Gouripur, Dist. : Mymensingh which is about 140 km from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Total landed area of the factory is 16.42 acres.

Authorized Capital

The authorized capital of the company is Tk. 175 cores divided into 17,50,00,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each.

Paid-up Capital

The paid-up capital of the company is Tk. 166,48,19,640 divided into 16,64,81,964 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each.

Production Capacity

Delta Spinners Limited is a textile spinning industry with an installed capacity of 88,080 Ring Spindles and 480 rotors.

Annual production capacity of the factory on the basis of 32 counts of yarn is 78.37 lacs kg of cotton yarn.

Industry Outlook

The textile industry in Bangladesh is one of the most important sectors. It is the largest employer in the country. The export earnings from readymade garments (RMG), knit products and other textile items constitute about 80% of the total export earrings of the country. The local spinning industry supplies the basic raw materials, i.e., yarn to RMG Sector. Besides, more than 90% of the domestic requirements of cloth are met by local production of yarn where a portion is supplied by Delta Spinners Limited.

Key Personnel of Delta Spinners Limited

R.A. Hawlader


Mr. R.A. Howlader is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Delta Spinners Limited.

A widely known personality in banking and financial sector and a pioneer in modern private sector banking, he had retired from National Bank Ltd. as its Managing Director in 1993.

The long experience of Mr. R. A. Howlader is considered as an important factor for the management of the Company.

Mostafa Jamal Haider

Managing Director

Mr. Mostafa Jamal Haider, is the Managing Director of the Company. The overall management is vested upon him as the CEO of the Company. He has obtained B.A. (Hons) and M.A. degrees from Dhaka University.

Mr. Mostafa Jamal Haider, an eminent politician had attended many international conferences and seminars and had traveled widely to many places of the world. For several years during the 80s, he was holding important positions in various Ministries of the Government. In the year 1986 he was appointed as State Minister for Labour & Man Power. Later he worked as a full Cabinet Minister in different Ministries till 1990. A well-connected personality, his services in the Company as a member of the Board of Directors is considered to be of much importance.

Dina Jabin


Ms. Dina Jabin, is the eldest daughter of Mr. Mostafa Kamal Haider, a former Managing Director of Delta Spinners Limited. In 1994, she went to USA for obtaining her MBA degree in Marketing from Emporia State University, Kansas. After completion of MBA, she joined Al-Baraka Bank Ltd., at present named as Oriental bank Ltd. in the year 1996. For five years in banking service, she had the opportunity to work in the area of credit management especially in industrial and small-scale loan facility. She left the bank in 2001 and joined Delta Spinners Limited as a Director.

Mostafa Zakaria Haider

Head of International Audit and Compliance

Mr. Mostafa Zakaria Haider a sponsor shareholder of the Company has completed B.Com. in 1992 and M.Com. (Finance & Banking) from Dhaka University in the year 1994. With his finance background, his services as the Head of Internal Audit and Compliance of the Company carries the required impact in the internal audit & compliance of all financial obligations of the Company.

MD Ayub Hossain

Independent Director

Mr. Md. Ayub Hossain is the Independent Director of Delta Spinners Limited. In compliance to Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission Regulations on Corporate Governance Code, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Md. Ayub Hossain as an Independent Director of the Company.

He was an Additional Secretary to the Government, former Managing Director of Bangladesh Services Limited (BSL), (Owner of Hotel Inter-Continental Dhaka).

Masudur Rahman

Executive Director and Company Secretary

Mr. Masudur Rahman, an MBA from IBA, Dhaka University has more than 50 years of experience in textile related organizations including eight years in Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation (BTMC).

Presently, he is an Executive Director of the Company and looks after administration, international procurement, managerial accounting including costing etc. He also holds the portfolio of Company Secretary. He is the senior most executive among of the professional personnel of the Company.

Rabeya Sultana

Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Rabeya Sultana is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company. She has completed C.A. course in December, 2012.

As the Chief Financial Officer of the Company, she has to prepare Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements. She also prepares periodical budgets of the Company, reviews the customers' or suppliers' file on day to day basis, prepares daily and fortnightly sales report through confirmation of sales amount and prepares monthly sales report & reconciles those with forecast and actual operational results, etc.

Notices & Reports